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The Annual Wellington Community Awards

The Annual Wellington Community Awards

Now that The Oscars are over it’s time to think about who to nominate for the Town Council version – The Wellington Community Awards.

The Town Council has introduced The Annual Wellington Community Awards to recognise the contribution that individuals and organisations have made over the past year to make Wellington such a great place to live. There are four categories:

– The Wellington Civic Award will be made to individuals who have worked to the benefit of the Wellington Community.

– The Wellington Youth Award is open to individuals aged 21 and under who have worked to the benefit of the Wellington Community.

– The Wellington Business Award will be made to a business which has engaged with the community to the benefit of the Town.

– The Wellington Community Award will be made to a community group or organisation which has brought a benefit to the Wellington Community

Nominations for each of these awards is now open and can be submitted online here. Nomination Forms can also be obtained from the Town Council Offices, by emailing or calling 01823 662855.

The closing date for receiving nomination is 21 April 2023 and the awards will be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting which is being held on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 6.00pm.

Mayor Mark Lithgow said “I am delighted that the Town Council has introduced the Community Awards. One of the town’s many strengths is its sense of community and we have seen through the difficulties of the last few years with COVID and the cost of living crisis how strong that is in the town. There are also many things happening in Wellington that wouldn’t take place if it wasn’t for volunteers or groups of volunteers. It is only right that we acknowledge and thank those who the community consider have gone above and beyond in contributing to making the town what it is”.

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