
We regularly keep this virtual notice board updated with local events and community information. If you have something you’d like to see published, please email us at [email protected]

#help4all. Connect Somerset. Get free support and advice on: money - including cost of living, debt, energy costs, jobs, benefits, and transport. Food - find your local food bank, Happy Healthy Holidays, and more. Home - housing support and advice, including help with your rent or mortgage. Health and wellbeing - find local support and toolkits for adults, young people, and children. Domestic abuse - help if you or your family are affected by domestic abuse or violence. Problems with drugs or alcohol - for young people and adults affected by substance abuse. Parenting - tools and guides for parents, carers, and grandparents. Scan the QR code or visit:

The Pop-Up Shop, 31 Fore Street Wellington, TA21 8AG. Linda and Susan at the Pop-Up Shop all week. 14th April - 19th April. 9-4. All proceeds to Breast Cancer Research and to help Ukraine.

The Wilbye Quartet presents My Spirit Sang All Day. Wellington Methodist Church, Saturday 22nd March, 3pm. Entrance fee, retiring collection for church funds. A potpourri of favourite songs and madrigals from Henry VIII to the present ay, accompanied by Andrew Carter. Henry VIII, Mozart, Cesar Franck, Brahms, Wilbye, Gershwin.

Energy Matters Taunton. Worried about energy costs? Want to know how to keep warm and safe? Get small financial help to install radiator valves, draught excluders, extractor fans and purchase of smaller appliances. To find out more email or ohone 07782 640759.

Walking Football Wellington. Fridays 5-6pm. 3G all weather pitch. Over 40's. Register your interest with Martin on 07775 447404. What is walking football? Walking football is a low intensity version of football for all ages and abilities. No experience needed. No commitment, just pay to play when you want or can.

The WI is here to inspire you. Sampford Arundel WI would like to invite you to a complimentary visit to our next meeting. We meet every second Tuesday of the month from 7:30pm at The Beambridge Inn, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 0HB. sampford 01823666439 Just turn up this month or at any future meetings, you're always welcome and we'd be delighted to see you. Find out more about our WI at

Taunton and Wellington Pensioners Group Coffee Morning. Conservative Club, 10:30am. January 20th, February 17th, March 17th, April 14th, May 12th, June 23rd, July 21st, August 11th, September 22nd, October 20th, November 17th, December 1st. In between these dates we will endeavour to arrange trips out, and possibly cream tea, also the Christmas lunch and New Year lunch.

Root for Somerset. Make your trees count. Are you an amazing Somerset resident, group, landowner, school, or business doing great work to plant trees? Celebrate your efforts and make your tree planting count. Can we count on you? Register them on the Somerset Tree Planting register. It's easy to do and takes less than 5 minutes. The Somerset Tree Planting Register is part of the Somerset Tree Strategy - a 10 year plan to enhance and protect Somerset trees and woodland. Planning to plant trees and need FREE expert advice? Contact our Woodland Creation team at Find out more at

Move it or lose it! Turn back the clock with our fun and friendly exercise classes to improve you balance and confidence, mobility and flexibility, strength and independence. Over 60's exercise class, Wellington Rugby Club, Tuesday 10-11am, Friday 1:30pm - 2:30pm. Call 07421 762532. £6.

Nynehead Garden Club. Brian Carlson presents geraniums/pelargoniums. 14th April 7:30pm (doors open 7pm). Nynehead memorial hall. Annual membership £15 or £2 per talk (first visit free). Monthly meetings and outings from March - December. Everyone welcome at our friendly garden club. Light refreshments available.

Wessex Water Community Drop In. Wellington Library, 16 Fore Street, Wellington, TA21 8AQ. Monday 28th April. Drop in 10am-12pm. Come and meet Wessex Water. Chat to us in person if you have a query about: your water bill, your water and sewerage services, how to save water and prevent sewer blockages.

A place to warm up! Chat, read & eat lunch and supper. Warm Place Wellington Runs every Thursday from 11:15am to 6:30pm Lunch served @12:30 (until 1pm) Supper served @5:30pm (until 6pm) Please note that meals will not be available outside of the above times Ideally - please book your meal using the above website, as this really helps us with our catering - or just come in We are now supplying free cakes/bread, fresh fruit & vegetables (as available) Refreshments - newspapers - bakery/veg - activities - wifi - charging points Wellington Baptist Church Hall, South Street (opposite Oxfam)

Rag Rug Making. Saturday April 12th, 1:30pm - 4:30pm. Friends Meeting House. Wellington. With Sally Light. £35. Come and learn traditional rag rug technique known as "proggy" or "proddy" with rag rug artist Sally Light AKA Bodkin Beak. Using beautiful waste fabrics supplied for free by Sally or your own fabrics if you prefer (upholstery or stiff fabrics not recommended) Learn this sustainable rag rug craft and start creating a small mat/cushion cover/seat cover to take home with you. Email or tel 07402 100494 to book a place,

Wellington Theatre Company presents The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley. Adapted by Jocelyn and Nicolas Ridley. Directed by Colin Marshall. 9th to 12th April 2025. Wellington Arts Centre. Enquiries - 01823 240063. This amateur production of "The Ghost Train (revised)" is presented by arrangement with concord theatricals ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.

The Wellington Rotary Club invites you to A Charity Ferret Racing Evening on 5th April at Beambridge Hotel, 7pm. Only £15 including supper. Contact Brian on

United Reformed Church coffee morning April 15th 10 until 11:30. Coffee and cakes, puzzles, CDs, bric-a-brac, books. All proceeds to charities Alzheimer's and ARC.

Walking netball group. Wellington Vixens. Walking netball is a friendly and inclusive programme, allowing women the opportunity to find their place in the sport. It's netball, but at a walking pace where the rules are slightly tweaked. It's an experience; a one-of-a-kind programme that gives access to a whole world of connection, laughter and fun. You can pay and play for a single session and see how you like it - no long term commitment is required. When: Monday 7-8pm. Where: Court Fields Sports Hall. £5 per session (first session free). All ages and abilities welcome. Any enquiries? email

Wellington Infant Feeding Support Group. Would you like to support feeding your newborn? Tips on how to survive those early months as a new parent? Talk about weaning when the time comes? Come and meet other local parents in a safe and non-judgemental space. Share your stories and chat with a hot drink and a piece of cake. Run by doula and breastfeeding peer support Jen Bolton alongside local breastfeeding peer support volunteers. Braziers, Tonedale. Thursdays 10am - 12 noon. (Term Time)

Creative Crafters. Find us in the Pop-Up Shop from Monday 24th March 2025 - Saturday 5th April 2025. Open 10am - 4pm every day. (Except Sundays) Discover unique gifts. Browse a variety of handmade items, from jewellery to home decor. Support local artisans and find one-of-a-kind treasures perfect for any occasion. Watch demonstrations and learn a new skill. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a curious beginner, these demonstrations are sure to inspire and perhaps even ignite a new passion for crating. Times for demonstrations TBC. Please ask in the shop for details.

Come in for a chat & enjoy a cuppa Welcome to our warm space Tea, coffee, soup, light refreshments Every Friday St John's Church Hall Noon til 2pm

Music through the years presented by Wellington Silver Band. In memory of Miss April Hooper on Friday 9th May 2025, 7:30pm at Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton, TA2 8PD. Featuring guest soloist Miss Emily Vernon. Supported by The Wyndham Singers. In aid of Mind. Tickets £11. Booking line 01823 414141 or

Accommodation Needed. We are preparing two schemes from Somerset Council for accommodating refugees, who would otherwise become homeless. Landlords needed: SAnctuary lodgings (preferred, more sustainable) Private arrangement for taking in a lodger who will pay directly (ideally LHA rate). Refugee Housing Team can help set up a formal lodging agreement. Hosts Needed: Homes for refugees: Register as a potential host to be matched with a guest, £350 payment each month. Contact if interested and for more details.

Mother's Day Spring Garland Print Workshop. Join artist and printmaker Alex Williams for a fun morning creating a collaborative handprinted Spring garland with a loved one. No experience needed, all materials provided plus lots of guidance, inspiration and templates for you to use. Sunday 30th March, 10am to 12pm, £25, The Hut at White Post. Price includes a delicious drink and cake of your choice from the White Post Cafe. Booking and info at

Wellington Choral Society Concert. Julian Rippon baritone, David Davies organ. Laurence Blyth music director. Mendelssohn's Elijah. Saturday 29th March 2025, 7pm., doors open 6:30pm. St John the Baptist Church Wellington. TA21 8SD. Tickets £16 and under 18s go free. Available from members and on the door. Online Follow us on X @wellychoral1

Armed Forces Outreach Service: Wellington. Are you a veteran, serving member, family member, dependent, or reservist? Come and have a brew and banter and meet Somerset NHS Armed Forces Link Workers Jon, Sam, and Samantha, as well as representatives from many other agencies. St John's Parish Church, the church hall, High Street, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 8QY. Tues 22nd April 13:30 to 15:30. Thurs 29th May 13:30 to 15:30. Tues 24th June 13:30 to 15:30. Thurs 24th July 13:30 to 15:30. Tues 26th August 13:30 to 15:30. Thurs 25th September 13:30 to 15:30

Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service. Tell us how we should respond to automatic fire alarms. We responded to an average of 16 false alarms every day last year due to automatic fire alarms. Read about our proposed changes and complete a short survey by visiting or scanning the QR code. The consultation process closes at midday on Wednesday 9th April 2025. Need information in a different format? Please call us on 01392 261287 or email

Indoor Walking Cricket at Wellington Sports Centre. Tuesdays at 10am to 12pm. A slower-paced version of the sport for male and female participants who enjoy the social side of sport as much as playing. These sessions will help improve your fitness, health, and wellbeing. No experience required. Suitable for those of all abilities. For a free taster session, call Ali Cottey on 01823 271271 or email Only £3.65 per session.

The Angles of Wellington. Please note new venue and meeting day. Now meet the last Thursday in the month from 26th September at The Cottage Inn, Champford Lane (off Mantle Street), Wellington, from 7:30pm. We have talks on myths, legends, customs, traditions, and much more, followed by story-telling and folk tales. Contact: John Jarrett 07791 030104.

Wellington Football Club. Wellington AFC under 7s. Do you enjoy football? Want to join a team? Why not join Wellington AFC? Wellington AFC's Training Sessions for next season's U7s will commence soon at the Playing Field off Courtland Road. Players must be under 7 years of age and over 6 years of age on 1st September 2024 i.e. year 2 and year 3 next term. For further information contact Colin Waller, Youth Team Secretary, Wellington AFC, telephone 01823 667411.

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