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Linden Meadow

Linden Meadow

Helen Gillingham from Transition Town Wellington (TTW)  and Dave Farrow, Town Clerk met with residents of Westford today to outline plans developed by TTW for tree planting in the field that the Council bought a year ago.  Initially the proposal will see 143 trees planted in the field next month and potentially another 200 saplings next year to form a 60 metre hedge on one side of the field.  They also discussed the potential for the field to be developed as a wildflower meadow given its south facing slopes. The photos show Dave Farrow with local residents and the scything being undertaken by TTW volunteers to prepare for the tree planting.  The mounds of grass indicate where trees will go.


Dave Farrow said ‘we are delighted that we are going to able to mark the anniversary of purchasing the field by having such a large number of trees planted with more to come next year.  We bought the field so that we could support projects like this.  We are hugely grateful to Helen for her work in drawing the plans together and to TTW for taking on the planting and initial maintenance of the trees.  We hope that in time local residents will be more involved in looking after the field with support from TTW.  Also thanks to Reimagining the Levels who are providing the trees free of charge.’


The residents also voted overwhelmingly for the field to be known as Linden Meadow.


Photo’s courtesy of Helen Gillingham

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