Enviroment and Heritage Committee

Environment and Heritage Committee


This Committee comprises 7 Councillors who meet every other month to discuss a wide range of environmental and heritage issues within the Council’s area, including the allotments at The Basins. The first part of the meeting reviews footpaths with the local footpath volunteer team, then other issues might include developing or managing green spaces, and looking at other environmental initiatives. Representatives from groups concerned with the protection of the local environment often attend these meetings.


Current Members – Councillors: M Barr, C Booth, K Canham, C Govier, M Lithgow, M McGuffie & K Wheatley


Environment and Heritage Committee Terms of Reference

Basins Allotments Advisory Board Terms of Reference


May 2024 (Environment Committee)


May 2024 (Environment Committee)

January 2024

November 2023

September 2023

January 2023

November 2022

September 2022

February 2020

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