Planning & Full Council Meeting
Planning & Full Council Meeting
⬇️ Planning Agendas ⬇️ Full Council Agendas *Please note that meeting start times are dependent on the size of the agenda. Please see the pages linked above for confirmation.
The Town Council has a Council Chamber on the first floor of its premises in Fore Street. For many years, all Council meetings were held in the chamber.
The Chamber these days is only used by the Council for working group meetings and informal groups of councillors as it is no longer large enough for the Town Council’s purposes and is not accessibility-friendly. Full Council and committee meetings are held in the nearby United Reformed Church.
The chamber is occasionally hired by local groups for their meetings such as Twinning, the Museum & Local History Society, and Churches Together.
⬇️ Planning Agendas ⬇️ Full Council Agendas *Please note that meeting start times are dependent on the size of the agenda. Please see the pages linked above for confirmation.
⬇️ Policy & Finance Committee Agendas *Please note that meeting start times are dependent on the size of the agenda. Please see the page linked above for confirmation.
⬇️ Economic Development Committee Agendas *Please note that meeting start times are dependent on the size of the agenda. Please see the page linked above for confirmation.
⬇️ Policy & Finance Committee Agendas *Please note that meeting start times are dependent on the size of the agenda. Please see the pages linked above for confirmation.
⬇️ Environment Committee Agendas *Please note that meeting start times are dependent on the size of the agenda. Please see the page linked above for confirmation.