31 Jul Co-Option of Town Councillor – North Ward
An opportunity has arisen to sit on the Town Council and represent the North Ward of the town and the Town Council is looking to co-opt someone to do that.
If you are interested in serving your local community and contributing to making Wellington a great place to live and work, then we would like to hear from you.
The Council meets once a month and has a number of committees that support its work.
If you would like to know more about becoming a councillor please contact Dave Farrow, Town Clerk on 01823 662855 or via info@wellingtontowncouncil.co.uk where you can also request details of the eligibility criteria for being a Councillor and an application form.
The closing date for receipt of an application is noon on 23 August 2024 and the Council will make a decision on who to co-opt at its meeting on the 2 September 2024.
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