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A message from our Mayor, Janet Lloyd

A message from our Mayor, Janet Lloyd

We are living in extraordinary times, the like of which few of us will ever have experienced before.

Town councillors recognise that in these circumstances we need to show swift and decisive community leadership and take decisions which will allow the council to provide as much help as possible for the people we represent.

Naturally, we take our lead from the Government, which is guiding the nation through this crisis, and so, just as the Prime Minister has told the country, we will do whatever is needed to support our town.

We have released £10,000 of funding for a package of measures which will be the first phase of our actions, and we will provide more funds as and when required.

When this crisis is over, we do not want to be looking back and saying that we could have done more if only we had provided more funding.

We have a solid team of councillors who each know their community extremely well and who are supported by our dedicated staff, and I am so proud of the way they have immediately stepped up to offer to do whatever they can.

While the urgent response to this crisis will be led by the larger authorities above us, town councillors stand ready to give whatever support is asked of us and to ensure nobody in need should fall between any cracks in the system.

This is going to be a lengthy and demanding crisis which will test us all, including our councillors and staff, who face their own personal risks.

But I know that we are all working together to achieve the best results for Wellington, and together we will all get through this if we follow the official advice on keeping safe and if we all support each other.

There have already been many acts of kindness around the town which has been heart-warming to see and shows how close and caring is the community in which we live.

Please, we urge everybody to stay safe by following the official advice as it is updated, and should you need help from your local councillors, please contact us using the telephone numbers or email addresses provided in the leaflet we are making available and through our website and local media.

God bless you all.

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