28 Jun COVID-19: Town Council to hold its first virtual meeting
Staff here at the Council are busy preparing for the Council’s first virtual meeting on 6th July, the date we would usually have had our July monthly meeting in the United Reformed Church hall. As a result of Coronavirus the law has been changed to allow Councils to meet remotely using modern technology which joins attendees using ‘ZOOM’ or a similar system.
As with all Council meetings the public are welcome to join the meeting as observers, and you can request an invitation from the Town Clerk who will provide joining instructions prior to the meeting. To be able to join the meeting you need to have access to the internet via a mobile phone, laptop or computer. July’s meeting will be the usual three monthly meetings rolled into one so will cover general, planning and financial matters.
Usually members of the public can address the Council at the meeting’s public speaking time. Whilst meetings are held remotely however anyone wishing to exercise this right will need instead to provide written details of their issue to the Clerk by no later than 12 noon on Thursday 2nd July.
The agenda for the meeting will be posted no later than Monday 29th June in the usual place – the notice board outside the Council’s office at 28 Fore Street Wellington. It will also be on the Council’s website together with reports for consideration at the meeting.
For more information contact Clerk Kathryn Hemensley weekdays between 9 am and 2pm on 07983 697740, or you can email on [email protected]
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